Thursday, May 20, 2010

number of fatal accidents

The table shows the number of fatal accidents which took place on roads in a 3-month period in 2004. Five places are mentioned where the accidents happened, and the information is divided into 5 age groups
The highest number of accidents took place while playing in the street. Most of these accidents happened to children aged between 2 and 7. Older children were hardly involved at all with accidents in the street with only 7 cases between the ages of 11 and 16 out of 214.
The next highest areas were shopping for parents and cycling in the street.
Shopping for parents accounted for 52 accidents, with 46 of these occurring between the ages of 5 and 11. The same age category was also involved in most accidents concerning cycling in the street, accounting for 45 out of the 52 accidents. Journeys to and from school had the least number of accidents, although younger school children were more involved than the older age groups
Now look at the overall picture for your conclusion. We can see younger children were involved in the majority of accidents

In conclusion….The table shows that the highest number of accidents involved younger children. Those between 2 and 7 accounted for almost two thirds of the total

1 comment:

  1. Muamar:

    Good work and good writing! But your 'Accidents' writing is not a line graph. Sorry!

    THe Fox
